Washington D.C. Cannabis Testing Labs

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Does Washington DC License Independent Cannabis Testing Labs?

Yes. In Washington DC, independent cannabis testing laboratories must be licensed by the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration (ABCA) under the District's Medical Cannabis Program, per Section 7-1671.05 of the DC Code. Licensed independent marijuana testing laboratories in the District of Columbia (Washington DC) are permitted to receive and test samples of medical marijuana products from registered cannabis patients with valid proof of registration. They can also test samples of medical cannabis brought by licensed marijuana manufacturers and cultivation centers in the District.

Requirements for Marijuana Testing Labs in Washington DC

Any licensed cannabis testing laboratory in Washington DC must meet the following requirements:

  • The owner(s) of a testing lab must not hold a manufacturer, courier, internet retailer, retailer, or cultivation license or ownership interest
  • They must adopt and follow the most recent version of the minimum GLPs (good laboratory practices). At least, they must satisfy the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Series on Principles of GLP and Compliance Monitoring issued by the OECD
  • They must maintain internal standard operating procedures
  • They must have the most current version of ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation
  • They must maintain a quality control and quality assurance program
  • They must adhere to the most current version of Recommendations for Regulators - Cannabis Operations publicized by the American Herbal Products Association

Washington DC Required Tests for Cannabis Products

Per Section 22-C6409 of the Washington DC Municipal Regulations (R0038597), any District-license cannabis testing laboratory must be able to test a sample of medical cannabis or marijuana products for the following:

  • Microbial contamination
  • Heavy metal contamination like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic
  • Water activity
  • Moisture content
  • Foreign matter contamination
  • Mycotoxin contamination
  • Residual solvents
  • Homogeneity (for edible cannabis products)
  • Pesticide and fertilizer residue
  • Cannabinoid and Terpene Profile
  • Cannabinoid potency, showing the levels of the following, at a minimum:
  • Cannabidiolic acid (CBDA)
  • Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA)
  • Cannabinol (CBN)
  • Cannabidiol (CBD)
  • Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

How Do Washington DC Marijuana Testing Labs Submit and Report Test Results?

Test results for each sample of medical marijuana or medical cannabis product submitted to a Washington DC cannabis testing laboratory must be uploaded into an electronic tracking system provided by the ABCA. Per Section 22-C6410 of the DC Municipal Regulation (R0038598), a cannabis test lab must upload a cannabis test result within 24 hours from the date of the test. Licensed cultivation centers and manufacturers can access the results of tested marijuana samples from the tracking system.

How Much Does It Cost to Test Cannabis in Washington DC?

No standard fee is adopted as the cost of testing marijuana products in Washington DC. However, licensed cultivation centers and manufacturers can contact the cannabis testing labs near them for the current costs of testing cannabis in the District.

What Happens to Cannabis Products That Fail Lab Tests in Washington DC?

If a cannabis product fails a laboratory test in Washington DC, the manufacturer or cultivation center may seek the ABCA's approval to reprocess the batch and/or harvest. In DC, a cannabis sample fails a lab test if the test result does not meet the standards required in Section 22-C6410 of the DC Municipal Regulation. If the ABCA approves the request to reprocess, the manufacturer or cultivation center will reprocess the harvest and/or batch in line with the standard operating procedures. Afterward, they must have the same lab test the reprocessed product.

If a batch fails to pass lab testing, the manufacturer or cultivation center must immediately quarantine the non-conforming batch until it is reprocessed or re-tested; or until that batch is destroyed. A cannabis testing lab in DC has within 24 hours of complete analysis to report failed test results.

List of Cannabis Testing Labs in Washington DC

You can contact the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration by calling (202) 442-4423 or by email for a list of licensed cannabis testing laboratories in Washington DC.

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