Washington DC Medical Marijuana Caregiver Information

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What Is a Medical Marijuana Caregiver in the District of Columbia?

A medical marijuana caregiver in DC is an individual designated by a qualifying medical marijuana patient as the person authorized to possess, obtain, and assist in administering medical marijuana on their behalf. A caregiver is typically designated by a minor or an incapacitated adult. A caregiver can also help a qualified patient transport medical marijuana. However, the medical marijuana must be transported in a container or sealed package bearing the label received from the medical marijuana dispensary. The Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration (ABCA), which oversees the DC medical cannabis program (MCP), requires persons under the age of 21 to have caregivers with their completed DC MCP registrations.

Medical marijuana caregivers under the DC MCP may be residents or non-residents of the District. Per DC rules, a caregiver may only be designated by one qualifying patient per time. A family member can be designated by a caregiver as long the individual meets the eligibility criteria for medical marijuana caregivers in DC.

How to Become a Medical Marijuana Caregiver in the District of Columbia

In DC, a medical marijuana caregiver is a person who is:

  • Not an owner or employee at a medical cannabis dispensary or a cultivation center in DC; and
  • Registered with the DC Department of Health as a patient's caregiver; and
  • Not currently serving as the caregiver for another qualifying patient; and
  • At least 18 years old; and
  • Not currently providing services on behalf of hospices and nursing homes as defined under Section 44-501(a)(3) and (6) of the DC Code; and
  • Does not have a prior conviction for a controlled substance crime

Anyone who intends to register with the DC medical marijuana cannabis program as a medical marijuana caregiver must submit a caregiver application form.

The following will be required to complete a caregiver registration:

  • The applicant's Social Security Number, or an affidavit that the applicant does not have an SSN but will provide the number to the DOH once it has been obtained
  • Two recent passport-type photographs measuring (2 in. x 2 in.)
  • One clear photocopy of a United States, state, or District-government-issued photo identification, such as a driver's license. This is required for proof of identity
  • A residential address that is not a post office box number
  • A criminal background check report. DC residents must submit one report from the MPD (Metropolitan Police Department). Non-DC residents must provide two reports, one from the MPD and one from their jurisdiction of residence
  • Payment of the required application fee. The standard fee for a caregiver card is $100. Reduced fees are available to applicants whose incomes are equal to or less than 200% of the federal poverty level. For such persons, the fee for a caregiver card is $25

Completed applications may be submitted by email to ABCA.Cannabisinfo@dc.gov or by mail or in person at:


Medical Cannabis Program

2000 14th Street

Suite 102A

Washington, DC 20009

How to Find a Medical Marijuana Caregiver in the District of Columbia

Qualified patients are required to find eligible DC residents or non-residents who may serve as their caregivers. The District does not keep a central registry through which medical marijuana patients may find qualified caregivers. In selecting a caregiver, it is recommended that you choose someone reliable, trustworthy, and familiar with your health needs.

How Much Marijuana Can a Caregiver Have in the District of Columbia?

A medical marijuana caregiver in DC can possess up to 2 ounces of dried medical marijuana or the equivalent of this amount of dried medical marijuana when sold in any other approved form. They can also purchase up to 8 ounces of cannabis in any 30-day period. Permitted medical marijuana forms include concentrates, flowers, edibles, seeds, transdermal products, and seedlings. Note that a caregiver may only possess medical marijuana for the sole purpose of assisting in the administration of the drug or product to a qualifying patient.

How Many Marijuana Plants Can a Caregiver Have in the District of Columbia?

Although pursuant to Initiative 71, the cultivation of three mature marijuana plants and a total of six marijuana plants is legal for residents aged 21 or older in DC, medical marijuana caregivers are not permitted to grow medical marijuana under the DC medical marijuana program.

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Washington DC Medical Marijuana Caregiver Information