Washington DC Active Medical Marijuana Patients in 2024

Washington D.C. Active Medical Marijuana Patients - 2024

The data on medical marijuana patients in Washington D.C. from 2022 to 2024 illustrates a significant upward trajectory from January to December 2022, reaching its peak in December. The figures for 2023 start higher than the early 2022 numbers and exhibit fluctuations, with a high in March followed by a gradual decline in the subsequent months. The first quarter of 2024 shows a slight increasing trend. This summary outlines the overall growth and variations in patient counts over the years.

Month 2024 2023 2022
January 25,191 27,036 12,661
February 25,228 27,765 13,034
March 25,463 28,833 13,445
April 26,078 20,656 13,848
May 26,838 21,364 14,211
June 28,292 21,690 14,468
July No data 22,555 15,730
August No data 23,207 21,051
September No data 23,802 22,482
October No data 24,384 24,430
November No data 24,819 25,084
December No data 25,027 26,120

Last updated: August 1, 2024

Source: Washington D.C. Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration