How To Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Washington DC

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What is an MMJ Card in the District of Columbia?

The District of Columbia issues membership cards to qualified patients and associated caregivers participating in the state's medical marijuana program. This card upholds their right to legally possess, purchase, and use marijuana as an alternative means of managing certain disorders. Patients and caregivers cannot buy recommended weed at licensed dispensaries in the District without the cards.

Medical marijuana became legal in the District of Columbia when the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Initiative Act won at the polls in 1998. Unfortunately, Congress frustrated the immediate take-off of the program by not making funds available. However, Congress overturned its decision in 2009 and then the program launched soon after. Eventually, the first legal purchase of medical cannabis at a licensed dispensary occurred in the District in 2013. Initially, the District's Department of Health (DC Health) supervised the medical marijuana program. However, they transferred that duty to the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA).

Who Can Apply for an MMJ Card in the District of Columbia?

To qualify for a medical marijuana identification card as a patient in the District of Columbia, an individual must meet these conditions:

  • The applicant must reside in the District at the time of filing applications and all through the period of undergoing treatment with medical cannabis
  • The individual must possess one or more of the approved debilitating medical conditions or undergoing certain approved treatments
  • A DC-licensed physician must evaluate the applicant and recommend that the applicant use medical marijuana for the disorders

Can a Minor Obtain a Medical Marijuana Card in the District of Columbia?

The District of Columbia permits minors below the age of 18 to join its medical marijuana program if their parents or legal guardians provide written consents. Parents or legal guardians must serve as the minor patients' primary caregivers.

What Conditions Qualify for Medical Marijuana Cards in the District of Columbia in 2025?

By law, only applicants certified by evaluating physicians to have one or more of the approved conditions can participate in the District's medical marijuana program as patients. The approved medical disorders include:

  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • Glaucoma
  • Conditions characterized by severe and persistent muscle spasm, such as multiple sclerosis;
  • Cancer
  • Any other condition, as determined by rulemaking, that is:
  • Chronic or long-lasting
  • Debilitating or interferes with the basic functions of life
  • A severe medical condition for which the use of medical marijuana is beneficial
  • That cannot be effectively treated by any ordinary medical or surgical measure
  • There is scientific evidence that the use of medical marijuana is likely to be significantly less addictive than the standard medical treatment for that condition.

In addition, patients undergoing specific medical or dental treatments are liable to receive medical marijuana cards in the District. These treatments include:

  • Chemotherapy
  • The use of azidothymidine or protease inhibitors
  • Radiotherapy
  • Any other treatment, as determined by rulemaking, whose side effects require treatment through the administration of medical marijuana

How Do I Apply for an MMJ Card in the District of Columbia in 2024?

District of Columbia residents seeking to submit applications for acceptance into the District's medical marijuana program can apply:

  • Online
  • By email
  • By mail

Adult applicants seeking to participate in the District's medical marijuana program as patients are to download the Patient Application from the District's medical marijuana program's website. Similarly, parents and legal guardians of minor applicants are to complete the Minor Application Form. After completing these forms, applicants must attach and submit accompanying photographs, documents, and payments (checks, money orders, or cashier's checks) to:

Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration

2000 14th Street Northwest 4th Floor

Washington, DC 20009

How Does a Primary Caregiver Get a District of Columbia MMIC?

Individuals seeking to become caregivers in Washington DC must meet certain conditions. Section 601 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) enumerated the minimum requirements as follows:

  • A qualified patient must designate the applicant as the caregiver who will assist the patient with purchasing and administering recommended medical cannabis
  • The prospective caregiver must file applications and be accepted to participate in the District's medical marijuana program as a caregiver
  • Any applicant applying to become a caregiver to a patient in the District's program must not already be another qualifying patient's primary caregiver
  • The applicant must be 18 years or older
  • Such an individual must not have been convicted for possessing or selling any controlled substance. However, the ABRA can overlook such conviction if it occurs after this Act took effect in the District

Before prospective caregivers begin to file applications, their respective patients must have successfully applied and be accepted into the District's medical marijuana program. This is because the applicants must submit some of their prospective patients' information while completing the caregivers' application. The application process itself involves submitting the required information on the Caregiver Application Form.

Subsequently, applicants must also affirm that they understand the program's regulations and attest to follow these guidelines. Applicants must certify that:

  • They provided the correct information and acknowledge that they understand their registration cards cannot be transferred to another individual
  • That they promise to notify the ABRA of any changes in their patients' information within 14 days. Subsequently, they must submit their previous registration cards, make payments, and receive new cards that reflect the changed details.
  • They must also promise to return their registration cards and any spare medical cannabis to the ABRA and the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) within 14 days after receiving notice of the patients changing their caregivers or withdrawing from the medical marijuana program
  • They must also promise that if their registration cards get missing or stolen, they must notify the ABRA verbally within 24 hours of discovery. Furthermore, they must submit written notifications of the incident to the ABRA within 72 hours before filing applications for replacement cards
  • In addition, applicants must promise to notify the ABRA if any changes occur in any of the personal information they submitted to the ABRA during registration within 14 calendar days. Subsequently, they are to submit their issued registration cards, make payments, and receive new cards reflecting the change
  • They will only purchase, transport, and assist their patients with the use of their recommended medical cannabis as demanded by the laws
  • Applicants must also promise not to transfer or give medical marijuana to another individual aside from their associated patients
  • They understand the maximum amount of medical cannabis they can possess and purchase at any given time
  • Applicants must also promise to be of good behavior while within any licensed dispensary's premises. They must also acknowledge that they understand not to administer medical marijuana at the premises of any dispensary or cultivation center
  • They must attest that they understand that the ABRA may deny their applications if they provide incomplete information during registration and fail to provide the missing detail within 60 days of receiving notification to do so by the ABRA. They must acknowledge that the ABRA also retains the right to deny their applications if it determines that the applicants intentionally supplied false or inaccurate information

After the attestation section, applicants must provide their signatures to complete the Caregiver Application Form. Prospective caregivers must then submit their forms, alongside required documents and payment, to:

Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration

2000 14th Street Northwest 4th Floor

Washington, DC 20009

Prospective caregivers must also submit fingerprints and undergo comprehensive criminal background checks conducted by the MPD and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The fingerprinting process begins when applicants make online payments on a DC Health portal. Subsequently, they receive emails containing their unique codes and links directing them to the Fieldprint Scheduling Website. They must create new accounts, supply the necessary information, and schedule fingerprinting appointments on the website. After providing the required details and submitting, applicants are to print the confirmation page. They will take the printed confirmation page, alongside two forms of identification, to their fingerprinting appointments. Applicants with further inquiries on the fingerprinting and criminal background checks process are to call (877) 614-4364 or contact the Fieldprint customer service center by email.

How long does it take to get a District of Columbia MMIC?

Typically, successful applicants receive their District of Columbia's medical marijuana registration cards by mail 3- 4 weeks after their application. Applicants with incomplete information receive notifications to provide the missing details, which may prolong the arrival dates of their registration cards.

Getting a Washington D.C. Medical Marijuana Card Online

The first step to obtaining a Washington D.C. medical marijuana registration card as a patient online is to receive a D.C.- licensed physician's recommendation. Applicants must receive these recommendations within 90 days before they complete and submit their applications. In Washington DC, only these set of licensed healthcare practitioners can evaluate prospective patients:

  • Physicians
  • Advanced Practice Registered Nurse/Nurse Practitioner (APRN/NP)
  • Dentists
  • Physicians' Assistants
  • Naturopathic Physician

Residents aged 18 or older must complete the Patient Application (Non-resident application) and upload accompanying documents. After paying the registration fee and submitting their applications, applicants receive emails confirming the receipt of their applications.

How Much Does a Medical Marijuana Card Cost in the District of Columbia?

In Washington DC, intending patients and caregivers must pay $10 to receive physical medical marijuana cards. However, registration in the DC medical cannabis program costs $100. The ABRA permits certain categories of people to pay reduced fees of $25. Persons authorized to pay subsidized fees include:

  • Individuals currently participating in the DC Medicaid program
  • Persons enjoying DC Healthcare Alliance benefits
  • DC residents who can prove that their gross income (including rent, alimony, and child support) amounts to, or is below, 200% of the federal poverty level

Note that the District of Columbia waives all registration fees through March 20, 2025.

For non-DC residents, the fee for a temporary patient registration varies by the length of its validity period. The ABRA offers 3-, 30-, 90-, 180-, and 365-day registrations for $10, $20, $50, $75, and $100 respectively.

How Do I Renew My Medical Marijuana Card?

The process of renewing medical marijuana cards for patients and caregivers are essentially the same. DC-licensed healthcare practitioners must initially evaluate intending applicants and recommend their participation in the District's medical marijuana program. Subsequently, applicants log on to the ABRA's website and select the category of healthcare practitioner that evaluated them. This selection leads them to the online Patient Application. On the form, renewal applicants are to select Renewal at the Application Type section and fill in other required information.

What Documents Do I Need to Apply for a Medical Cannabis Card in the District of Columbia?

To complete the application forms required to participate in the District's medical marijuana program, adult applicants must submit these information and documents:

  • Applicant's Social Security Number (SSN). Applicants without SSNs are to do the following:
    • Submit a sworn affidavit stating that they do not have SSNs
    • They must also make their SSNs available as soon as they obtain the number
  • Two recent 2x2 inches passport photographs with the applicant's face clearly showing
  • Proof of identity: Applicants must submit one clear photocopy of a US, state, or District government-issued photo ID. A driver's license or US passport are examples.
  • Proof of DC Residency: Applicants must submit any two of:
    • Proof of payment of District of Columbia personal income tax. This proof must bear the applicant's name and must be paid close to the date of filing applications
    • A property deed for any District of Columbia residence owned or co-owned by the applicant
    • A valid and unexpired lease or rental agreement on a District of Columbia residential property bearing the name of the applicant
    • A pay stub issued less than 45 days before the application date, and which proves the applicant's withholding of District income tax
    • A voter registration card bearing the applicant's name with a District of Columbia address
    • Current official documentation to prove the applicant receives financial assistance from the District Government. These benefits include:
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Medicaid
  • State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Housing assistance
  • Other governmental programs and benefits

Parents and legal guardians of minors applying to participate in the District's medical marijuana program must submit:

  • The applicant and parents or legal guardians' SSNs. Minors without SSNs must submit sworn affidavits stating they do not have one and immediately submit their SSNs when they eventually obtain the number
  • Two recent 2x2 inches passport photographs clearly showing the minor's face
  • Minor and parents or legal guardians' proof of identities. This proof can be a clear photocopy of a US or District Government-issued photo ID such as a driver's license or U.S. passport
  • Proof of residency for both the minor applicant and the parents or legal guardians
  • Written and signed statements of the parent or legal guardians stating that:
  • They understand the minor patient's qualifying medical condition or qualifying medical treatment
  • They understand both the potential benefits and possible adverse effects attached to the minor's use of medical marijuana
  • They consent to the minor's use of cannabis to manage the qualifying condition or side effects of the qualifying medical treatment
  • They agree to serve as the patient's primary caregiver, or they designate another adult to serve that purpose

Are My Details Kept Confidential When I Apply for a Medical Marijuana Card in the District of Columbia?

Yes, the records of every applicant that submits applications to participate in the District's medical marijuana program are kept confidential. Section 802.2 of the DCMR states that the District's Department of Health shall keep a strictly confidential record of every recommending physician and their records. These records maintained by the Department of Health are out of the Freedom of Information Act's jurisdiction, and members of the public cannot access them. In addition, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the confidentiality of medical records. HIPAA's privacy rules only permit the disclosure of health information without the subject's permission in extreme circumstances. These permitted instances include situations involving a severe threat to life, when required for essential government functions, and others.

What Information Appears On A District Of Columbia Medical Marijuana Card?

A typical District of Columbia medical marijuana card contains:

  • Date of issuance and expiry date
  • Full legal names of patients and corresponding caregivers (if applicable)
  • Photograph of the patient or caregiver
  • Patients and caregivers' registration identification number
  • Evaluating physician's license number
  • Name and address of the patient's designated licensed dispensary
  • A department of health internal authentication identifier

Can Someone Track Me Down Through The District Of Columbia Registry?

It is unlikely for anyone to track down the District of Columbia's medical marijuana program participants through the official records. This is because HIPAA requires such records to be highly confidential, with the public restricted from accessing them. Submitting a Freedom of Information request is also not enough for the registry to open its records to the public. Additionally, HIPAA's privacy rules only permit the disclosure of subjects' records to law enforcement agents in extreme circumstances.

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How To Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Washington DC