How Much Does Medical Marijuana Cost in Washington D.C.?

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How Much Does Medical Marijuana Cost in Washington DC?

What medical cannabis patients in the District of Columbia pay for their marijuana prescriptions vary from one dispensary to another. The price of medical cannabis in DC is also determined by product type as well as the quality and strain of cannabis used in the product sold. Overall, DC has some of the highest marijuana prices in the country. On average, 1 ounce of high quality marijuana sold in Washington DC costs over $590 while the same amount of medium quality marijuana goes for about $550.

Can You Use a Credit Card at a Dispensary in Washington DC?

No. Medical cannabis dispensaries in the District of Columbia are unlikely to accept credit cards from patients and caregivers ordering from them. This is because marijuana remains a Schedule I controlled substance and illegal at the federal level. DC dispensaries, however, accept cash for orders. Some of them may also accept debit cards.

Does Washington DC Tax Medical Marijuana Sales?

Yes. The District of Columbia charges a 6% tax on medical cannabis sales. However, it waives this sales tax during its annual medical cannabis sales tax holiday.

Does Recreational Marijuana Cost More than Medical Marijuana in Washington DC?

While recreational marijuana is legal in the District of Columbia, its sales remain blocked by opposition from the US Congress. While dispensaries do not sell marijuana for recreational users, it is legal to give a gift of up to 1 ounce of adult-use marijuana in Washington DC.

How to Save Money on the Cost of Medical Marijuana in Washington DC

Under the Washington DC Medical Cannabis Program, there is no provision for offering any group of patients lower medical cannabis prices. However, patients can save on the cost of their marijuana prescriptions by taking advantage of the provision in the District’s recreational cannabis law which permits home cultivation of marijuana for adults aged 21 or older. This law allows residents to grow up to six cannabis plants, including no more than three mature plants, for their personal use.

In addition to growing their own cannabis, medical cannabis patients in the District can also save on the cost of their marijuana prescriptions with dispensary discounts, sales events, and loyalty programs. By visiting other DC medical cannabis dispensaries, they can find their preferred cannabis products at better prices. Other cost-saving tips include switching to longer-lasting forms of cannabis such as edibles and buying large amounts of medical cannabis, up to maximum allowed under the District’s possession limits, to take advantage of bulk savings.

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