What Conditions Qualify for Medical Marijuana Card in Washington D.C. (2025)

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How Many Medical Conditions Qualify for Medical Marijuana Treatment in Washington DC?

The District of Columbia does not have a list of medical conditions qualifying patients for medical cannabis treatment. Authorized medical providers in the District determine which debilitating conditions qualify their patients for medical marijuana.

Qualifying Conditions for Medical Card in Washington DC 2025

In accordance with the D.C. Medical Cannabis Amendment Act of 2022, a qualifying medical condition is a medical condition determined by an authorized medical practitioner to benefit from medical marijuana use. Therefore, Washington DC no longer maintains a list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana use

Does Washington DC Add New Qualifying Conditions to its Medical Marijuana Program?

No. Following the expansion of Washington DC’s medical marijuana program with the removal of its list of qualifying conditions, there is no reason to add new qualifying conditions. Previously, the DC Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration (ABCA) reviewed petitions, submitted by residents, to add new conditions to the District’s original list of qualifying medical conditions.

Does Washington DC Allow Physicians to Recommend Medical Cannabis for Non-Qualifying Conditions?

Authorized healthcare practitioners in Washington DC can recommend medical cannabis for any condition they deem debilitating enough to benefit from medical cannabis use.

Do You Need a Doctor’s Recommendation for Medical Marijuana in Washington DC?

The DC Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration only requires patients under the age of 21 to obtain recommendations from their healthcare providers. Patients aged 21 or older can choose to self-certify for medical marijuana in Washington DC. The District accepts recommendations from state-licensed:

  • Physicians
  • Naturopathic physicians (ND)
  • Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN)
  • Physician assistants
  • Dentists

These authorized healthcare practitioners must be certified by their respective boards and in good standing to practice in DC in order to issue valid recommendations. The ABCA also requires a recommending provider to have a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship with the patient they are certifying, assess the patient’s medical history and current medical condition within 90 days before issuing a recommendation, and be responsible for the ongoing care and treatment of the patient for the qualifying medical condition.

Who Qualifies for a Medical Marijuana Card in Washington DC?

In addition to self-certifying or receiving a healthcare practitioner’s recommendation for medical cannabis, DC issues its medical cannabis card to minors and adult residents. The parents or legal guardians of minors must submit applications on their behalf. Such an application must include a healthcare recommendation number and name a registered caregiver.

Non-DC residents can obtain temporary medical marijuana cards in the District. Alternatively, they can purchase medical cannabis in the District with valid medical cannabis registrations from their home states, but only for states with established marijuana reciprocity with the District. Washington DC only issues temporary medical marijuana cards to non-residents who are 21 years or older.

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